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Membership Invitation

We cordially invite you to join the North Carolina Police Executives Association, an esteemed organization dedicated to advancing the law enforcement profession in our state. By becoming a member, you will connect with a network of distinguished police executives, access valuable resources and training opportunities, and contribute to the development of policies and practices that enhance public safety. Whether you are an active leader in law enforcement, an associate professional, or an individual who has significantly contributed to our field, your involvement will help shape the future of law enforcement in North Carolina. Join us in our commitment to excellence and collaboration for a safer and stronger community. Membership in this Association consist of four classes, please see below.

Active Membership

Active Membership includes municipal police officers and county police department officers in supervisory or higher positions; supervisory and command officers from state law enforcement agencies and accredited colleges and universities who are certified by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; and Directors of these agencies. It also encompasses chief enforcement officers of alcoholic control boards and executive officers of federal agencies enforcing criminal laws in North Carolina. Candidates for Active Membership must be approved by the Executive Committee.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership grants all privileges of Active Membership, including the requirement to pay dues, but does not include voting rights. Eligible members include: executive or command-level military service members assigned to the Judge Advocate’s office or the Provost Marshal’s Office, and investigative officers; executive officers of railroad police agencies in North Carolina; full-time police attorneys with the North Carolina Department of Justice providing legal advice to local and state law enforcement agencies; Directors, Deputy, and Assistant Directors of the North Carolina Justice Academy; Director and Assistant Director of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Standards Division; North Carolina State Medical Examiners; Directors of Law Enforcement Programs in the Department of Community Colleges; law enforcement area coordinators and community college law enforcement coordinators; non-sworn, full-time civilian executive or command-level members within law enforcement agencies with supervisory responsibility; non-sworn full-time law enforcement training directors; airport police chief executives; retired former active members; security officers of industrial organizations, public utilities, and FDIC member banking institutions engaged in security and investigative activities requiring cooperation with North Carolina law enforcement agencies. This category excludes personnel involved in for-hire services like merchant patrols, private detectives, and security guards. Associate Membership candidates must be approved by the Executive Committee.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership includes individuals who have significantly contributed to the improvement and advancement of the Association or the law enforcement profession. Nominations for Honorary Membership must be submitted by an Active or Associate Member to the Executive Committee for review and approval. The Executive Committee reviews the list of Honorary Members annually to determine the continuation of membership.

Life Membership

Life Membership is reserved for individuals who have retired from law enforcement after being Active Members for at least five years immediately preceding retirement and who have made significant contributions to the Association. This includes serving as Association President, being a member of the Executive Committee, or making other significant contributions as determined by the Executive Committee. Life Members enjoy all rights and privileges of Active Members, except for voting and holding office, and are exempt from dues. Nominations for Life Membership must be submitted by an Active Member to the Executive Committee for review and approval. The Association may elect nominees to Life Membership by a two-thirds vote of Active Members present at an Annual Meeting.

Receipt for Dues Paid

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