About Us

Established on August 28, 1947, the North Carolina Police Executives Association (NCPEA) is a collective representing federal, state, municipal, campus, corporate law enforcement, and security agencies. It also encompasses legal and educational organizations responsible for the training and development of police professionals across the state. Since its inception, the association has been the host of the largest annual law enforcement training conference in North Carolina.

In a noteworthy development, the North Carolina Chief of Police Association originated during the annual North Carolina Police Executives Association conference in 1975.

Beyond conferences, the NCPEA played a pivotal role in the creation of the North Carolina Police Information Network. Recognizing the need for timely and accurate information in law enforcement and criminal justice decision-making, the association collaborated with various groups in the early 1960s to enhance the information collection and dissemination process. By 1968, with joint efforts from the NCPEA, the North Carolina Sheriff’s Association, and the Governor’s Committee on Law and Order, strides were taken to leverage modern computer technology in the fight against crime (source: NCJRS.gov).

Notably, the NCPEA collaborates with educators nationwide to ensure the provision of quality and affordable training for police professionals in the state. The association actively supports legislative initiatives that promote progressive and professional police services through direct membership outreach and participation, refraining from the use of paid lobbyists.

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NCPEA 2024 Bylaws