Executive Board (DRAFT)

James Avens 
Deputy Chief  

NCPEA President 

Elizabeth City Police Department 

305 East Main Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 

Phone: 252-335-4321 

Email: javens@cityofec.com 

Roberto Bryan 
Police Chief 
First Vice President 

Fayetteville State University 
1200 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, NC 28301 
Phone: 910-672-1111 
Email: rbryan1@uncfsu.edu 

Jarrod Edmonds  
Treasurer/Secretary Rocky Mount Police Department 

331 S. Franklin St. Rocky Mount, Nc 27802 

Telephone: 252-972-1111 

Email:  jarrod.edmonds@rockymountnc.gov 

Celisa Lehew 
Police Chief 
Second Vice President 

Chapel Hill Police Department 

828 Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 

Phone: 919-968-2760 

Email: clehew@townofchapelhill.org 

Kendrick King 
Assistant Chief of Police 
Third Vice President 

Elon Police Department 

104 S Williamson Ave, Elon, NC 27244 

Telephone: 336-584-1301 

Email: KKing@elon.gov 

Alejandra Sotelo  
Deputy Chief of Police 
Executive Board Member 

Wilmington Police Department 

P.O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 

Phone: 910-343-3656 

Email: Alex.Sotelo@wilmingtonnc.gov 

Estella Patterson 
Chief of Police 
Executive Board Member 

Raleigh Police Department 

6716 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 

Phone: 919-996-3335 

Email: epatterson@raleighnc.gov 

Todd Joyce 
Assistant Chief 
Executive Board Member 

Fayetteville Police Department 

467 Hay Street Fayetteville NC 28301 

Phone: 910-433-1824 

Email: TJoyce@ci.fay.nc.us 

Brian James  

Police Chief 

Executive Board Member 

University of North Carolina 
285 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 
Phone: 919-962-8100 
Email: Brian.James@unc.edu 


Chris Leroy 
Police Chief 
Executive Board Member 

Forest City Police Department 

187 South Church Street, Forest City, NC 28043 

Telephone: 828-248-5206 

Email: chrisleroy@townofforestcity.com 

Roger “Chip” Hawley 
Police Chief 
Executive Board Member 

State Capitol Police Department 

512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27699 

 Telephone: 8919-710-8885 

Email: Chip.Hawley@ncdps.gov 

Robert Schurmeier 


Executive Board Member 

Administration/ NC State Bureau of Investigation 

3320 Garner Road, Raleigh, NC 27610 

Phone: 919-582-8516 Email: rschurmeier@ncsbi.gov 

Dr. Jamie Wicker 
Provost for Public Safety 
Associate Board Member 

Wake Technical Community College 

104 S Williamson Ave, Elon, NC 27244 

Telephone: 919-866-5000 

Email: jfwicker@waketech.edu 

Chris Blue 

Town Manager 


Chapel Hill Police Department 

828 Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 

Phone: 919-968-2760 

Email: cblue@townofchapelhill.org 

Joseph Graziano  

Risk Management Consultant 

Sergeant at Arms 

NC League of Municipalities 

Address: 434 Fayetteville St # 1900, Raleigh, NC 27601 

Phone: (919) 715-4000 

Mark Rascoe  

Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC)  


Jeff McCracken 
Retired Chief of Police 

Tammy Pippen 
Executive Director 

NC Police Executives Association 
P.O. Box 33836, Charlotte, NC 28233 
Email: info@ncpea.org